Prolexin IGF-1 – Deer Antler Velvet Spray

Prolexin IGF 1 Free TrialProlexin IGF-1 deer antler velvet spray recently created quite a stir and got aired on the CNN News.

The reason for this excitement is because scientists have found out that the IGF-1 in deer antler velvet can give you are a couple of benefits. You can now build more muscles, get rid of body fat and recover much faster. Thanks to Prolexin IGF-1

A deer’s antler can grow up to an inch per day during the peak period. It is due to a very strong concentration of IGF-1. It is a polypeptide that carries the same benefits as human growth hormone.

When you take Prolexin IGF-1 together with a high protein-rich diet and workout, you will be able to get more muscles faster than ever. You will be able to do it with less rest between your workouts.

Prolexin IGF-1 will also help you to burn more body fat. It happens by boosting your metabolism so that more body fat will be burned of especially around your muscles.

It will give you that hard ripped look, most guys are working out so hard to get.

Prolexin IGF-1 deer antler velvet spray will make that much easier to get.

Before you read on to learn more about Prolexin you need to know that this product doesn’t exist anymore. Instead, I recommend you to check out Crazybulk HGH-X2 which is likely the supplement that comes closest to Prolexin.

How Does Prolexin IGF-1 Work?

Prolexin IGF-1 will help you to grow muscles and to recover faster between your workouts. It will also help you to increase your testosterone levels naturally. It will not only help you to build bigger muscles but will also help you to improve your sex life and other aspects of being a man. Testosterone is the most important hormone in the male body.

Production of Growth Hormones

Prolexin IGF-1 acts the same way as human growth hormones. HGH is generally produced in the Pituitary gland in the human brain. From here it runs out in your body where it supports the growth of tissues in your body.

Growth caused by Prolexin IGF-1 is not only limited to muscle growth. You can also expect an increase in lipolysis which means you will lose body fat.

Prolexin IGF-1 will also help you to improve the function of your liver. It will become better to get rid of waste products.

Your pancreas will become better to produce a long-range of hormones like insulin. All very important for serious athletes.

Prolexin Bottles IGF-1

Benefits Using Prolexin IGF-1 Deer Antler Velvet Spray

Not only will you be able to enhance your muscle growth when you start to use Prolexin IGF-1. Below you can see some of the other benefits you will get using this supplement.

  • Get lean muscle mass and strength
  • Get rid of body fat
  • Cut your recovery time in half
  • Improve your endurance
  • Optimize your energy levels
  • Enhance protein synthesis
  • Get more libido and stamina
  • Improve sexual health
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • All-natural and pure
  • Free trial available

The Ingredients in Prolexin IGF-1

Not only does Prolexin IGF-1 come with the IGF-1 polypeptides. L-Arginine has been added together with a high dosage of vitamins.

IGF-1 also exist in Human Growth Hormones.

This will help you to boost the effects of this supplement on your body. Arginine can raise your nitric oxide levels. It will expand your blood vessels and improve your blood flow. It will make your body able to transport more nutrients out to the muscles. The result you will recover and build muscles faster.

Why Does Prolexin IGF-1 come as a Spray?

Studies have shown that the ingredients in Prolexin IGF-1 will be taken up in your body far more effective and faster when you spray it. Nearly 100% of the ingredients will be taking up in your bloodstream. when you use capsules, you might risk up to 80% of the ingredients that will be filtered out by your liver and that way becomes worthless.

Also, it is far more convenient to use a spray instead of capsules. It slides easily down to your gym back where you can use it anywhere. You might even like the taste.

Prolexin IGF-1 Testimonials

Below you can see what other guys have to say about Prolexin IGF-1 in their testimonials.

Patrick Prolexin IGF 1 Testimonials and results

“Thanks to Prolexin ™, I can stop looking for the perfect supplement.”

“I’m always looking for that perfect supplement, and when I found Prolexin ™ I was certain I was going to be disappointed like I was with so many others. This time the bottle didn’t lie to me. I really did see results after my first pill, and two months later I’m the guy at the gym being asked how he keeps this ripped.”

– Patrick

Steve Prolexin IGF 1 Testimonials

“I break through my limits.”

“I’ve tried many anabolic supplements before, but with Prolexin ™ I saw results after 45 minutes of taking my first use. My strength, endurance, and focus have never been higher. I can get to the gym, go to work, and still have enough energy at the end of the day to do it all over again.”

– Steve

Great Discounts on Prolexin IGF-1 Deer Antler Velvet Spray Available

For a limited period, you can get started using Prolexin IGF-1 with free bottles and great discounts. Here you will have the opportunity to feel all the benefits on your own body and really try it. You can cancel anytime you may want to.

To learn more or get started click on the link below.

> Click here to Get Great Discounts on Prolexin IGF-1 Today <

Prolexin IGF-1

Other Supplements To Check Out

As we said in the beginning. Unfortunately, Prolexin and these types of supplements are not available anymore. Your best alternative is the supplement HGH X2 as we mentioned before since it is also able to raise your HGH levels.

Another thing you also can do is to put more focus on your testosterone levels. Here you can use a supplement like Testo-Max to naturally increase your levels of free testosterone. It can become quite handy if you are in a period where you like to bulk up and get some massive gains.